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Privacy Notice for Children

Privacy Notice for Children We keep records about you and your health so we can look after you. Your name, where you live and how old you are Who you live with and who looks after you What care we have given you Photographs we take of you Results and scans of your body like … Continued

Seeing your medical records in the NHS App

Seeing your medical records in the NHS App From 31st October 2023, anyone aged 16 or over using the NHS App can see any new information relating to their healthcare. This also applies to those using the NHS login system through the NHS website or any other online access system, such as that we use … Continued

Shared Care Agreements

Shared Care Agreements From 1st October 2023, will no longer accept new Shared Care agreements. This decision has been made jointly with our neighbouring practices in and Primary Care Networks. We have been receiving a growing number of requests from an increasingly large number of providers. These requests place an increasing amount of work on … Continued

Home Visits

Home Visits If you are not fit to come to the surgery, the doctor may visit you at home. When possible, request home visits before 10:00. The receptionist will ask you one or two questions to assess the urgency of the call. This will help the doctor to decide the order of priority and to … Continued

GP Net Earnings

GP Net Earnings All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. The average pay for GPs working in Roseworth Surgery in the last financial year was £74,937 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 2 full-time and … Continued


Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is installed at the practice premises for the purpose of staff, patient and premises security. Cameras are located at various places on the premises, and images from the cameras are recorded.

Roseworth Surgery as a Teaching/Training Practice

We are a Teaching/Training Practice Roseworth Surgery is an accredited GP training practice and is involved in training GP Registrars, F2 Doctors and Medical Students.  Patients will be informed when booking an appointment if a student is present with the doctor they are seeing.  If you would prefer to be seen without a student present, … Continued

Roseworth Patient Charter

Roseworth Patient Charter   Our Expectation of You Courtesy to the staff at all times – remember they are working under doctors’ orders. Responding in a positive way to questions asked by the reception staff. To attend appointments on time or give the practice adequate notice that they wish to cancel.   Someone else could use … Continued

Complaints Policy

Roseworth Complaints Policy Introduction This procedure sets out Roseworths Practice’s approach to the handling of complaints and is intended both as an internal guide and also as a summary setting out the approach to complaint handling. From 1st April 2009 a common approach to the handling of complaints was introduced across health and adult social … Continued

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance The NHS Zero Tolerance policy says all staff must be able to do their job without abuse or violence. We fully support this policy at . Our staff work hard to provide patients with the best quality care and must be treated with respect and dignity. Any behaviour, verbal or physical, which causes … Continued

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