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Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal Services (TIMS)

Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal Services (TIMS) Tyneside Integrated Musculoskeletal Services (TIMS) is a joint Newcastle and Gateshead service that offers self-care and fast access to expert opinion, diagnosis and treatment of a variety of muscle, joint and soft tissue conditions and chronic pain. Self-referral To find out more about the service on offer, and how to … Continued

What to do when you are unwell: Decision Tree

Answers the following Yes/No questions to find the best way to get the help you need. Start below. Is it an emergency?  Do you definitely need to be seen today? Is it life-threatening?  Chest pains, choking, unconsciousness, severe loss or blood or other serious injury? Can you self-care?  Mild conditions like colds, hangovers and sore throats … Continued

Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)

Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) We are offering a new approach to improve access for patients to a same-day consultation with a healthcare professional. The aim is to direct patients to the most appropriate person to help them, which may be a GP or a community pharmacist. From November 2022, if your symptoms can be … Continued

Free Weight Management Help

A free, personalised 12-week programme to help manage your weight and feel healthier   Oviva Tier 2 Weight Management is a free service to help people in Newcastle lose weight and build healthy habits through specialist support over 12 weeks. Now it is even easier to start making a change. Anyone aged 18 or over … Continued

What to do when you are unwell: Video Guide

What to do when you are unwell If you need medical advice, it might not always be obvious the best way to get it, especially if you’re unwell, in pain or in distress. We want to make it as simple as possible for you to get the right help as soon as possible. You can … Continued

Tiredness and Sleepiness

Tiredness and Sleepiness   It is not unusual to feel tired at times, especially if you have an active work and social life, or young children. Before you see a GP, it is worth thinking about some of the factors in your life that could be causing your tiredness. This might include: Working long hours … Continued

InformationNOW – information for people in Newcastle upon Tyne

InformationNOW – information for people in Newcastle upon Tyne InformationNOW is the website for people in Newcastle. You can search the site using the widget below to find information, organisations and events. Helping you to be informed, make choices and plan ahead. It covers a huge range of topics such as health, care, benefits, food … Continued

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