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What is the prescription hub?

Selected GP practices have partnered with the pharmacy team at Newcastle Hospitals prescription hub.

A team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will work on most of the non-urgent prescriptions for these practices; they are not based in the practice but will talk to practice staff regularly throughout the day. The partnership is not-for-profit and the hub will be tested for 12 months to find out if it works.


Why have we set up the prescription hub?

The hub aims to improve the safety and quality of prescribing at the practice and to reduce the workload of the practice’s prescribers so they have more time available to consult with their patients. Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians have expertise in keeping people safe with their medicines.

We also have access in the hub to the hospital’s computer systems; this makes communication between the hospital and the GP practice easier which is important if you have had a hospital stay or appointment.

Will this change how I request my medication?

No, continue to request your medication in the same way that you do now.

What if I don’t want to use the prescription hub?

Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are professionals registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council in the UK. We are skilled in handling confidential information and using our judgement in the interests of our patients (just like the doctors, nurses and pharmacists in your GP practice).

We are bound by the hospital’s strict information governance rules. If you do not want your prescriptions to be processed by the hub, please talk to someone at your GP practice.

How long will it take for my prescription or query?

We will process all requests within two working days of receiving them. More urgent requests will be dealt with by your GP practice team.

When is the prescription hub open?

The hub is open Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm.

How do I contact the hub?

Your GP practice team will contact the prescription hub on your behalf. Someone will call you back from the hub if you need to talk to us. Your GP practice will check that they have the correct contact details for you on their system and that they know which community pharmacy you like to use.

What happens if there is a question or problem with my prescription?

If you have a question or problem with your prescription please contact your GP practice team as usual. If the prescription hub needs to contact you about your prescription we will use the contact details held by your GP practice to do so..

How will I know who is accessing my information?

The prescription hub team will only access the information required to complete your request. All team members are approved by and registered with your practice. You can request to see your records and how they have been used by writing to your GP practice manager.

For further information, contact Julia Blagburn (senior lead clinical pharmacist for integrated care)
Tel: 07759 537113 or Email [email protected]. (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm).

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